Alice Vedral Rivera - * [Quarantine]

2014-06-11 8

As she stood on the shore
Feeling the wind whip the waves
An angry frenzy forming white caps
On the lake - mimicking

Making a mockery
Of the turmoil in her soul
The perception of being
Quarantined - intensified

Confined to an inclement
Compartment, no bigger than
Necessary to contain
Her essence - her autocracy

Secluded - desperate
In her struggle to break through
Debilitating isolation
She cried out for compassion

For freedom from exclusion
Forced on her by foreign
Exigencies, by external
Limitations - constraints

Of increasingly diminishing
Pockets of time and seeming
Disinterest in her well being
By her captor – he who had
Purported to love her

© Alice Vedral Rivera - 2005

Alice Vedral Rivera